A turquoise necklace contains one of the most beautiful semi-precious gemstones used in modern jewelry. Turquoise comes in colors ranging from greenish-yellow to sky blue and often contains veins of the mother rock in its matrix. The veins can range from black to yellow to brown. While these veins add to the value of turquoise necklaces in the United States, a prominent matrix is considered a flaw in the Middle East.
Earth and Sky: A Turquoise Necklace
The gemstone in a green turquoise necklace is formed when there are large amounts of iron present in the mineral deposit. In Native American legend, green turquoise was said to be female and of the Earth, while blue turquoise was male and of the sky. The color scale for green turquoise necklaces can range from bright lime green to deep rich green and includes brownish tints. The gemstone comes from mines in Nevada and is not as common as blue turquoise.
High levels of copper give blue turquoise necklaces their distinctive color. A blue turquoise necklace may have a heavily defined matrix that adds to the interest and the uniqueness of the piece. The most brilliant blue turquoise comes from northern Iran. These stunning gemstones have a piercingly clear hue with an extremely muted matrix. Iranian turquoise sets the standard for the rest of the world in hardness and quality.
There is another stone used in turquoise necklaces that are called white turquoise. White turquoise necklaces are made of a stone that is similar to blue and green turquoise in chemical composition and appearance. A bluish or greenish tint in a white turquoise necklace indicates that the gemstone is true turquoise. The gemstone in a white turquoise necklace is often called “White Buffalo Turquoise.” White turquoise is rarer than both blue and green turquoise.
A turquoise necklace requires special care in order to prevent discoloration and fading. Turquoise is one of the softer gemstones and readily absorbs liquids, including lotions, skin oils, and perspiration. This gemstone is also easily fractured and scratched. A turquoise necklace should be cleaned often with a cotton cloth. Avoid the use of jewelry cleaning products on turquoise necklaces as these can discolor the gemstone. Harsh sunlight and extreme temperatures can also harm a turquoise necklace. A turquoise necklace should be stored away from other jewelry items to prevent the gemstone from becoming nicked or scratched. With the proper care, a turquoise necklace will last a lifetime.